Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Week one complete!

I am going to condense each week into one post to avoid anyone having to click through loads of links to read everything.

Last week was a roller coaster! I was already close to giving up just a few days in, but have since strengthened my reserve. I will definitely be giving this at least two months. If it truly clears me up, I will continue for the recommended three which will likely involve reordering. It looks like the "one month" treatment package will likely last me two. That makes my bank account a tad bit happier!

I started using the treatment on Sunday February 1st. Yeah, I am a little late with this post, but what can you do. The first two days were business as usual, I was in the thick of a break out. I had a good 4 or 5 pimples on my face, angry red and dry skin, and my right eye was completely bloodshot and felt like it had something in it.

Then Wednesday came. In doing my research I knew I should expect a pretty intense break out during the first week as all of the adult mites die off. It would be an indication that the treatment is working and that I did in fact have a demodex problem. However, all of my reading did NOT prepare me for what I woke up to Wednesday morning. My skin was fire engine red. My eyes were crusted shut and goopy and bloodshot to hell. By far, the worst part though, was that I had more pustules on my face than I could count. Every inch of my forehead and chin were covered in pustules and pimples to the point that I just couldn't see healthy skin. Any my nose... my nose was not only covered in pustules and pimples, but it was terribly swollen. I would touch my nose and think "this doesn't even feel like human skin!" My loving boyfriend who has always been sweet enough to never comment on the state of my skin no matter how bad it gets actually told me that I should go to the doctor because it looked like I had suffered a chemical burn. I had to miss work and hide away from the world.

The next day my skin looked even worse. I almost started crying when I looked in the mirror that morning. Did I really spend $140 to have the worst skin I've ever had in my life?

Thankfully after two days of hell, things started getting better. I got fewer and fewer active breakouts, and my face started to slowly heal up. By Sunday my skin was was in better condition than it was before I started the treatment. Thank god!

This wraps up week one. Let's hope next week is better!

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